Why IDEs are not the best choice


You are starting out in programming: you write the first lines of code and try to transfer them to a website. The important progress is to understand what you are doing and how the programming world works.

To write code, you need tools. For example, Word was invented for writing. And for programming, there are two options: a code editor and an IDE.

A code editor is like a text editor. We create a file, name it, and write it. To test and debug the code, you need extensions. They are installed separately.

IDE is an integrated development environment. This is a program where a programmer writes code, sees errors, and observes the result. If the editor is a key, then the IDE is a box with keys, nuts, and tape.

A beginner will say: “Why do I need a code editor for programmers? An IDE is enough for me.” And he’ll be right – everyone wants more tools and features. But IDEs have at least 3 factors that slow down learning.

IDEs partially correct errors. If you forgot to put a semicolon in a line, the program will automatically complete it. The code will work. And you won’t notice the error and will keep making it.

Fewer opportunities to analyze the code. One of the functions is code autocompletion. If you’re learning programming, it’s better to come up with your own ideas than to use cheat sheets without careful analysis.

IDEs are not suitable for web development or static websites. Editors have many tools that slow down the work of a beginner. It’s like installing 200 mods on a game and then having to figure out what you need and where you need it. In a code editor, everything is easier.

If you want to learn how to program, choose one of the three code editors. And when your experience outweighs your new knowledge, switch to an IDE.